La Sagrada Família. Catedral de la llum (francès)

La Sagrada Família. Catedral de la llum (francès)

Cathedrale de la lumière

Curti, Chiara

28,00 €
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Chiara Curti is an architect with a PhD in Art History. She specialises in the life and work of Gaudi´ and has worked on the crypt and the Nativity fac¸ade of the Sagrada Fami´lia.
In this book, The Sagrada Fami´lia, the Cathedral of Light, Curti and Gaudi´ lead us through the basilica on a visit that transcends the very essence of the building and reveals to us the light that illuminates it on a path towards beauty, or truth. Because, as the author says, “beauty is matter illuminated”, and Gaudi´ shows us that “beauty is the splendour of truth”.
And on this path, Curti reveals aspects and images of the basilica that have never been mentioned or seen before and now, thanks to the magnificent photographs by Pere Vivas, we can all share in.

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